Welcome to Tatsugo Town
Tatsugo Town is in Amami Oshima that is located between Honshu and Okinawa,about 380km southwest of Kagoshima city.
The climate is a marine subtropical climate,the average temperature is 21℃,rainfall is 3,000mm per year,humidity is about 75% average per year.This specific climate creates calm and beautiful scenery,rare and valuable animals and plants.
Also it is known as the origin of traditional Oshima Tsumugi textile patterns which are one of the world’s three most important textiles.Typical patterns ‘Tatsugo pattern’ and ‘Akina Bara’ are from here.There is a place where Takamori Saigo (Nanshu),one of the most famous samurai,lived in exile in Tatsugo Town and a great local culture ’Akina Arasetsu’ (They pray for the good harvest in this festival) The town has an attractive nature,history and culture.
Amami Islands
There are eight islands.Amami Oshima, Kakeromajima, Yoronjima, Ukejima, Kikaijima, Tokunoshima, Okinoerabujima and Yoronjima are called Amami Islands,and are part of Kagoshima prefecture.
Access to Amami Oshima By air Flight information
発着地 |
航空会社 |
運行 |
所要時間 |
東京(羽田) Tokyo(Handa) |
1日1便 1 flight a day |
2時間程度 About 2 hour |
東京(成田) Tokyo(Narita) |
1日2便 2 flight a day |
2時間程度 About 2 hour |
大阪(伊丹) Osaka(Itami) |
1日1便 1 flight a day |
1時間半程度 About 1 hour and 1/2 |
大阪(関西) Osaka(Kansai) |
1日1便 1 flight a day (8/19~9/30は月金土日および9/22運航) |
1時間半程度 About 1 hour and 1/2 |
福岡 Fukuoka |
1日1便 1 flight a day |
1時間20分程度 About 1 hour and 20min |
鹿児島 Kagoshima |
1日9便 9 flight a day |
50分程度 About 50min |
喜界島 Kikaijima |
1日2便 2 flight a day |
20分程度 About 20min |
徳之島 Tokunoshima |
1日2便 2 flight a day |
30分程度 About 30min |
与論島 Yoronjima |
1日1便 1 flight a day |
40分程度 About 40min |
沖縄 Okinawa |
1日1便 1 flight a day |
1時間程度 About 1 hour |
By ferry Matrix line or A’line Ferry information
発着地 |
船名 |
会社 |
運行 |
鹿児島 Kagoshima |
クイーンコーラル8 クイーンコーラルプラス |
鹿児島―名瀬(奄美大島)―徳之島―沖永良部島―与論―沖縄 Kagoshima-Amami-Tokunoshima-Okinoerabujima-Yoronjima-Okinawa |
鹿児島 Kagoshima |
フェリー波之上 フェリーあけぼの |
鹿児島―名瀬(奄美大島)―徳之島―沖永良部島―与論―沖縄 Kagoshima-Amami-Tokunoshima-Okinoerabujima-Yoronjima-Okinawa |